Students Seeking Internship Opportunities

Liudas Panavas

The following students from the Northeastern Visualization Lab are currently seeking internships for Summer 2023 and beyond!

Liudas Panavas

Photo of Liudas Panavas

Bio: I am a third year PhD student advised by Cody Dunne and have presented work at top tier conferences in human-computer interaction (ACM CHI 2022) and data visualization (IEEE Vis 2022). I have designed and implemented multiple prototypes (medical database interface, object detection VA system, genomics dashboard) and evaluated them using various methods (quantitative evaluation, user feedback, system run throughs). I have constructed from the ground up multiple user studies that have tested both basic perception and prototypes with populations ranging from elementary school students to Army officers. For all the projects, I have preregistered my study design and done the statistics, analysis, and visualizations. My current work is in the area of explainable AI. I am designing a visual analytics system to evaluate computer vision outputs and creating a framework to evaluate the quality of private synthetic data.

Looking for: There are many aspects of visualization research I have enjoyed so I am not looking for anything specific. That being said, I really enjoy synthesizing user needs into design requirements and frameworks. I also enjoy designing evaluations to better understand the human component. I have recently delved into explainable AI and would like to continue working in this area.

Keywords/Skills: User Studies, Explainable AI, Quantitative/Qualitative Evaluations, Private Data, Human Data Interaction, ML Interpretability, Open Source, Python, React

Availability: Spring, Summer, Fall 2023.


Jane Adams

Photo of Jane Adams

Bio: Jane Adams is a 2nd-year PhD student under the advisement of Dr. Michelle Borkin. Her research interest broadly is the development of visualization tools for exploratory analysis of high-dimensional data. In particular, her domain areas of interest include -omics research; complex systems and network science; machine learning interpretability; and computational creativity. Jane holds a MFA in Emergent Media and a BFA in Graphic Design and Digital Media. She has spoken about data art, information visualization, and machine learning at venues such as SXSW, NVIDIA Global Technology Conference (GTC), AIGA, ODSC, and TEDx. Jane has published research in Science, PLoS, EPJ Data Science, JMIR, JMM and more. She has been a founder, organizer, and session chair of workshops at IEEE VIS 2020, 2021, and 2022. Read more about Jane's work here.

Jane is looking for full-time temporary research appointments in 6- to 12-month intervals with the goal of publishing research and developing software for exploratory analysis of high-dimensional data in any domain area (but particularly genomics or proteomics, machine learning interpretability, computational creativity, complex systems and network visualization).

Availability: Fall 2023 and beyond.

Keywords: genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, machine learning interpretability, artificial intelligence, XAI, computational creativity, complex systems, network visualization, dimensionality reduction, feature selection, emergent media


Racquel Fygenson

Photo of Racquel Fygenson

Bio: Hi, my name is Racquel and I'm a 3rd-year PhD student advised by Dr. Enrico Bertini. I conduct research exploring readers' perception of data visualizations, particularly how understanding of and emotions toward information vary depending on visualization technique. Stemming from this research, I'm also interested in the building tools that enable art and data to augment each other.

I have an extensive background in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional design. I've worked on a wide range of projects, including data journalism, product, packaging, graphic, mechanical and set design. Most recently, I designed internal visualization tools for teams at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab.

I am looking for opportunities to continue my research on the affective qualities of visualizations, but always jump at the opportunity to design interesting data visualizations. I really enjoy developing novel visualizations to fit specific goals (e.g., public engagement, improvement of data literacy, rapid decision making). If you have a project that sounds like a good fit (or if you simply want to talk about visualization), you can reach me at

Availability: Summer, Fall 2023+.

Keywords: visualization, perception, design, human-computer interaction, user studies, experimental design, data journalism, data marketing, graphics, rapid prototyping


Uzma Haque Syeda

Photo of Uzma Haque Syeda

Bio: Uzma Haque Syeda is a fifth year PhD student at Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University. Her primary reseach interest lies at the intersection of Data Visualization and HCI, particularly with a focus on theory and methods of design studies, replication studies, and visualization for social good. Her work also includes visualization evaluations, focusing on user studies and participatory design. Through her work, she aims to bridge the gap between visualization pedagogy and research by providing methodologies and frameworks to bring reserch education within data visualization classrooms.

Availability: Summer 2023 and beyond.


Khoury Vis Lab — Northeastern University
West Village H, Room 302
440 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115, USA